
Child Theology

Child Theology: Diverse Methods and Global Perspectives

Author: Marcia J. Bunge (Editor) (2021)


Twelve highly respected Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox theologians from six continents aim to strengthen Christian theology and the church’s commitment to children by rethinking central doctrines and practices with attention to the strengths, vulnerabilities, and full humanity of children.

Like feminist, black, and other liberating forms of theology, child theologies re-evaluate and reinterpret current understandings of Christian faith and life in the light of those who are often voiceless, exploited, or marginalized—in this case children.

Taking diverse approaches and building on a range of sources, including Scripture, tradition, the social sciences, literature, and the experiences of individuals and communities, contributors offer new insights into key theological topics, such as God, creation, theological anthropology, Christology, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, mission, and hope.