At Home With God
At Home With God: A Parents' Guide to Raising Spiritual Giants
Author: Olly Goldenberg (2019)
Categories: Parenting
We don’t want our children to just survive church – we want them to live as spiritual champions in the world, who will raise the next generation of spiritual champions after them! At Home with God looks at the Biblical principles for raising children in faith. Jewish families have been following these principles for centuries and have developed ways to practically implement God’s design for faith in families. These principles do not require another three nights a week, an extra two hours per day, or a degree in theology to execute. They are things any parent can do within the busy life of the modern family. All you need is to make a conscious decision to give it a go (and an occasional reminder to keep giving it a go). The way you do it will be different to other families, because your family is unique, but these principles have worked the same for all families throughout history. Learn about the rhythms of family life, growing your children’s spiritual lives at different stages of their development, feeding children the meat of God’s Word and helping them to transition into adulthood. Discover the keys you can use to raise the spiritual champions that God has entrusted to your care.